"promises" Tagged Sermons

"promises" Tagged Sermons

Buying Oil

We get concerned about the end times and the timeline of future events when we should be focusing on our daily relationship with God. Jesus tells us in Matt 25 about the five wise and five foolish virgins. Some went in to Him and some did not. The difference was not in the watching, like some doctrines proclaim. The difference was in possessing the oil. The oil comes…

The Genesis of Jesus

What God started in Genesis He begins again in the New Covenant. Adam, created with the very breath of God was tasked with keeping the weeds out of the Garden, creating a place of sanctuary & peace, and to fill the earth with people – God’s family. God reopened the place of peace & tranquility to us with Jesus, and we’re tasked with multiplying life – Kingdom life – in…

The Author Of My Life

Jesus authored our lives as He lived His. We need to learn of Him, to use what He said and did and apply it to our lives. As we allow Him to lead us through in faith and obedience, the Kingdom is revealed and the world sees us as witnesses to how the Kingdom works in love, peace, faith, truth, hope and they will want in. We need to stop listening to the voice that…

Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)

Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…