Sermons on God's Promises

Sermons on God's Promises

The Nucleus Is Christ

God ordains how things operate in the physical realm and we have no right to mess with His design.  It’s the same in the Spiritual realm – we have no right to mess with truth, His plan, His timing.  We need Him at the very center of all we do, say, think in order to be effective for His Kingdom. Scripture:  John 20:19-23, John 20:26-21:18

Psalm 20

We are very close to living at a 5G speed all over the world, things are changing around us very rapidly.  God tells us not to be afraid, not to trust in man’s ways but to trust only in Him.  There is a Sabbath coming to the church.  You have to know how much God loves you in order to truly believe He’ll take care of you.     Scripture:  Psalm 20

His Offspring

Caiphas spoke the words God gave him, not the words of arrogance & pride of the Jews.  He will die on the cross & give everyone a pass.  All will be His offspring.  It is our Divine appointment to inherit the Kingdom.  Doctrines of religion create a fantasy about who God is and His plan for His people.  The Bible is the voice of God.  Ask Him and He’ll give…

The Author Of My Life

Jesus authored our lives as He lived His. We need to learn of Him, to use what He said and did and apply it to our lives. As we allow Him to lead us through in faith and obedience, the Kingdom is revealed and the world sees us as witnesses to how the Kingdom works in love, peace, faith, truth, hope and they will want in. We need to stop listening to the voice that…